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Come Move Your Body & Try a LiveClass!

Check Below for Location, Days/Times


Class Locations are:  Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center, Spartan Rec Center in Shoreline, and the Northshore Senior Center in Bothell. 

 Information for Classes and Sign Up for the classes will be in their respective catalogs & websites.  

Classes Spartan Rec Center are Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings; Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center are Tuesday, Friday & Saturday mornings, and Northshore Senior Center is Wednesday Evenings.

** Note **

Check each site for any COVID Guidelines or Updates

Winter Classes 2025 

Shoreline, Spartan Recreation Center

Classes are Tuesdays & Wednesdays 

Spartan Recreation Center
202 NE 185th Street
Shoreline, WA 98155

(206) 801-2600

Classes are $15.00, Drop in Classes are $18.00

To Register, click below to Spartan Rec Center

Winter 1...Essentrics® Stretch & Strengthen #8090

Tuesday Evenings 630-730pm

Dates: 01/07/2025 - 02/11/2025

 Fees:  Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $90.00 (Res)

Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $108.00 (Non-Res)

 Drop in Classes are $18.00

Winter 2...Essentrics® Stretch & Strengthen #8091

Tuesday Evenings 630-730pm

Dates: 02/25/25 - 03/18/2025

 Fees:  Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $60.00 (Res)

Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $72.00 (Non-Res)

 Drop in Classes are $18.00


Winter 1...Age Reversing Essentrics® #8088

Wednesday Mornings 930-1030am

Dates: 01/08/2025 - 02/12/2025

 Fees:  Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $90.00 (Res)

Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $108.00 (Non-Res)

 Drop in Classes are $18.00

Winter 2...Age Reversing Essentrics® #8089

Wednesday Mornings 930-1030am

Dates: 02/26/2025 - 03/19/2025

 Fees:  Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $60.00 (Res)

Adult Health & Fitness Class  - $72.00 (Non-Res)

 Drop in Classes are $18.00

Tuesday evening 'Stretch & Strengthen' class:  This class is medium-paced and easy to follow. Essentrics is functional movement. It is dynamic, using your full body in an equipment free workout that will simultaneously stretch and strengthen all your 650 muscles. Come experience a workout that works through all your joints and releases tight muscles. Effective for mobility, flexibility, strength, toning, balance, posture, range of motion, and pain-relief, as well as injury prevention and recovery. Use what you learn from Essentrics to become better at the sports you play and for everyday living. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and strap/band.

Wednesday morning 'Age Reversing Essentrics' classThis class is slow paced and easy to follow. It is functional movement in an age reversing workout that uses your full body to restore movement in your joints, flexibility in your muscles, relieve pain, and stimulate your cells to increase energy and vibrancy. Essentrics draws on the flowing movements of tai chi that create health and balance, the strengthening theories behind ballet that create long, lean, flexible muscles and the healing principles of physiotherapy that create a pain free body. Essentrics is effective for mobility, flexibility, strength, toning, balance, posture, range of motion, and pain-relief, as well as injury prevention and recovery. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and strap/band.


Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center 

Each Month, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday Mornings,  10:00 -11:00am

***No Drop Ins Allowed*** Classes Must Have minimum of 4 Students Registered

​Tuesday & Saturday Classes are Age Reversing Essentrics.  

Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Activity Center

18560 1st Ave, NE, #1

Shoreline, WA  98155


Information and Registration at Link Below: 

Registration deadline is before the end of each month.

Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center (

or Call: 206-365-1536

Age Reversing Essentrics®   

Classes Tuesday and Saturday Mornings 10-11am

Tuesday Classes: 

Tuesdays,  10:00 am - 11:00 am
To Register, Click Link... Shoreline-Lake (

Friday Classes: Mostly Seated, some standing

Fridays,  10:00 am - 11:00 am
To Register, Click Link... Shoreline-Lake (

Saturday Classes:
Saturdays, 10:00am - 11:00am

To Register, Click Link... Shoreline-Lake (

Please register a week before the first day of class. You can register by calling the Center at (206) 365-1536, or Register on their website.

Tuesday & Saturday 'Age Reversing Essentrics' classAs seen on PBS, this “Aging Backwards” class restores movement in your joints and liberates your spine, shoulders, and hips. Essentrics dynamically stretches and strengthens every muscle in the body, rebalancing the body in continuous rotational movements. Gentle movements will increase full-body mobility and strength, relieve chronic aches and pains, and improve your balance, posture and overall health. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and strap.

Friday morning 'Essentrics Beginner Stretch' class:  This class is mostly seated with some standing. It is a slower paced workout designed for those who have stiffness, are beginning to exercise or just want to feel stronger. This full body workout will focus on mobility, posture, range of motion, core strength, balance, reducing stiffness, and engaging all of your muscles. This class can help with relieving pain, and will leave you feeling energized!

Northshore Senior Center, Bothell

Northshore Senior Center
10201 East Riverside Drive

 Bothell, WA 98011

(425) 487-2441

To Register call front desk: 425-487-2441

Classes are for the month of Wednesdays

$15 member/$30 nonmember, per class

Register by the end of each month, class must have at least 4 registered

No Drop Ins Allowed


Classes are Wednesdays; 430-530pm  

​Age Reversing Essentrics : As seen on PBS, this class uses your full body to restore movement in your joints, flexibility in your muscles, releive pain, and rebalance your body. It's effective for mobility, strength, toning, balance, posture, range of motion, preventing falls and using your brain. Bring a yoga mat towel, and strap. All levels welcome



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